OUR Services - What do we do?


Ulverstone, West Ulverstone, Penguin, Turners Beach, Forth

Ulverstone Real Estate Team Click here to talk to Craig and Karen today!

Downsizing, Relocation and Estate Sales Specialists


    Assessing and understanding the key benefits and features of your property.
    Carry out a thorough analysis of comparable recent sales and current competition.
    Helping you arrive at a list price that is designed to attract buyers and takes into account your needs and expectations.
    TIP: Understanding buyer sentiment when it comes to value is critical to your success
    Offering advice on keys areas around your home that can maximise your ultimate sale price by minimising or eliminating potential objections with a view to impressing potential buyers.
    TIP: If something needs fixing- buyers will find it.
    Offering the latest marketing channels and techniques to reach the greatest number of buyers who are searching for your type of property in the price range you would like to achieve.
    Also contacting unsatisfied buyers on our database who are still in the market for your type of property.
    TIP: You can’t sell a secret
    Dealing with buyers who respond to the marketing campaign and determining whether they have the capability to buy. Are they a genuine match for your property?
    TIP: If a buyer hasn’t got M.A.N. they aren’t a buyer. Money, Authority, Need.
    Conducting inspections with qualified buyers, asking the right questions, listening, gathering important and relevant feedback - whilst encouraging/fielding realistic offers to create competition for your property.
    TIP: It is much better to have buyers compete with each other rather than with you. 
    The ‘Sharp End’ of the sale process.
    Ensuring your best interests and expectations are represented and acted upon, whilst keeping the buyer(s) engaged and given every opportunity to secure a purchase. Remember, you make the ultimate decisions on any offer presented from a buyer.
    TIP: A good negotiator provides you with carefully considered suggestions based on current conversations, sentiments and information to enable you to make informed, rewarding decisions.
    The preparation of contracts based on the agreement reached between both parties, which includes; Price, conditions, special conditions, completion dates and deposit.
    Co-ordination of and communication with all parties involved in the transaction: seller, buyer, lawyers, brokers/lenders, valuers, building inspectors- anyone who is called upon by either party to assist with conditions being met and working toward the successful conclusion of the sale.
    TIP: The contractual process has many moving parts. Ensure you hire an agent who understands the role of all parties and knows how to communicate with them on your behalf to avoid complications.


So, what IS most important to you?

Every homeowner’s situation is different when the time comes to sell your home. Your success stems from our ability to listen and understand your circumstances, to paint a clear picture of the result you are seeking. Then we can tailor a simple, individual and effective sales plan to provide you with unrivalled service and advice so you can move on to the next phase of your life. 

Sell for More, Pay Less!

To find out more, simply give Craig a call on 0400 180 515, or Karen 0400 330 485